I Said What King Solomon Said

Old friends reached out to me, and I said what King Solomon (Bible) said:   “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. The wealth of the wise is their crown, but the folly of fools yields folly”.  “Those who do evil, by rejecting God’s […]

Market Theories and Analysis

Several theories and analysis have been developed over the years to predict stock market movements. These theories range from fundamental analysis to technical analysis and quantitative models. Here are some of the most popular stock market prediction theories: 1. Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) • Overview: Proposed by Eugene Fama, the […]

Benner’s Cycle 100 Years Of Market Prediction

The Benner Cycle is a theory developed by Samuel Benner in the late 19th century that predicts cycles of economic activity, specifically in commodity prices and financial markets. Benner was a farmer who turned to analyzing economic patterns after experiencing the effects of economic booms and busts in agriculture. His […]

10 Tips to Control Your Emotions

Detach from others’ opinions. Their judgment reflects them, not you. Develop a strong sense of self-worth. Value yourself without needing external approval. Ignore the noise. Focus on constructive feedback and ignore the rest. Practice emotional detachment. Observe your emotions without letting them control you. Reframe situations. See negative experiences as […]