How Credit Card Processing Works

Are you satisfied with the current interest rate? I see many of business owners think that they are having the best deal from a bank, like Wells Fargo. No necessarily. Check the interest again. If it says 2.5%, that seems very low but they ONLY show their fees, not the rest of ISO and credit card fees. What if we say "We can beat that interest rate?","We can even beat that interest rate from PayPal"

If you allow us to review 2 months of your most recent merchant statements, we will analyze all your fees and show you how much money we can save you every single month.
The analysis is free and we will have a savings for you in 1-2 business days. If there is any personal information on your statement that you do not want us to see, please take a black marker and black out your personal information on the statements.

Let us show you the brief explanation of how fees consisted of.

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VISA/MC gets 1.65%
Banks/ISO’s get .20%

On top of that, business owners have to pay for the way a transaction is done. The most common way that a transaction is done is with Swiping at any grocery store and shopping mall. They check your driving license, you face to face and swipe your credit card at a purchase. It is the lowest risk transaction, meaning the cheapest transaction (1.85% - 2.99%). As the risk goes higher, the more they charge you. The rest goes on top of the transaction. No wonder, many small business owners (ex, restaurants) pays so many fees, right?

Swipe -                     Qualified - 1.85% - 2.99%
Keyed -                     Mid-Qualified - .99% - 1.99%
Corporate -              Non-Qualified - .99% - 1.99%
Mileage/Rewards -  Non-Qualified - .95% - 4.99%

We specializes in merchant services for small to large scale Businesses.

  • Gas Stations
  • Franchises
  • Restaurants

If we cannot offer the deal that satisfies you, we can give this!!

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<Recommended Credit Card>

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