Leadership Effectiveness

Do you believe in leadership? Is it necessary to have the leadership to be successful? My answer is “YES”I strongly believe that without having robust leadership, having wealth and establishment of a successful organization would be less likely happening. I want you to imagine how your parents and your boss treat you the way they do. Are they telling you to do something they are not participating or they show what needs to be done and leading you to be a good example? It is the fundamental method to see the indication of effective leadership. Leadership is not a position or entitlement that people can look up to. It is the action of leading people and group. Many people climb up in the ladder of career to be a boss, the way they can tell others what to do instead of being told. It sure makes them feel good and comfortable, although it is not a good model of having good leadership because people follow their boss or listen to them because they get paid. What if they don’t get paid, do you think they still follow him or her?

It comes to the effectiveness of leadership. If you take a look at the personal level. You don’t need to have leadership. Personal success can be done all the time although it would give you limited effectiveness. That means, in order to grow something that people can work for, the highest level of effective leadership has to be taken. As the acronym of TEAM shows”Together Everyone Achieve More”, with having right people in a team, you can create more successful results than that of an individual level. Basically the higher you want to climb, the more you need to have leadership. Then you can impact on people to influence more. In fact, I learned in a hard way. I have a business. I’m currently building my business with over 20 business partners. I do teach people how to create passive income and dealing with any financial issue to achieve financial freedom. In the past, the difficulty of not having effective leadership killed my team. It was oblivious that losing people and not having motivation cause to bring down our production, but not only that people were leaving my team after another. People like to stay in a healthy and comfortable environment, right? Apparently, it was not. That has been said, the lacking of my leadership was the majority of the problem. I was not able to influence enough for people to keep up their motivation and belief that we are in the right place to be successful.

I had to learn to overcome many objections. Now I communicate with the teammates every day and making progress. Sometimes taking a leadership can be frustrating and tempting me to control and manipulate people to make them do tasks, although I know that it won’t work, it shouldn’t. Honest leadership can bring always honest results. Reminding myself to be what is the most effective way to build a team every day.Thus in order to build a successful organization, you have to create the place where people are willing to stick with, leadership is the key to last in any organization.


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