$40,000 Profit 3 Weeks, No Risk Investment

This is an update of the previous post


You need to know when to buy and sell your investment in order to keep profits. However, if I say, there is no risk involved investment available, would you like to do that? It sounds too good to be true, correct? Let me introduce it to you. This is a simple investment technique I often use and maximize the return on your investment without taking any risk. Here is what I did.

As I mentioned in the previous post, I invested one of cryptocurrencies, Ripple when it was $0.2 and after the break out it shot up to over $3.00. Although there was a few fake-out found before the real breakout.  I was able to come in after doing a technical analysis which is a very simple method and can be applied to any investment. It is described well here (https://www.successfinancialfreedom.com/2017/12/14/i-made-5000-a-day-today-this-is-what-i-did-follow-the-secret-method/)  how the shape of the chart is made is very predictable because it is highly related to how people think. People always think the same because they judge by their emotion, thus if you understand how a mass of people think, you can beat the majority of people and avoid to be like the rest who lose repeatedly.

The riskless investment I did on this trade was to sell a small portion of profits which was the same as my initial my principle, $2000 when it went up to $15,000. Therefore, I took out $2000 into cash and let the rest of the money ($13,000) run, here is the result after three weeks later. 


Imagine investing $2,000 and wait for a month and getting $35,000 which is passive income that you didn’t work for. This is the power of investment and compounding interests. It is simply calculated as $250/hr if you work 8 hrs a day for a month. I could have left $2,000 two weeks ago, then I would have had the profits of over $45,000 by now.However, I didn’t know if it was going to go up. I decided to run safe investment, this is the decipline and how I maintain my profits. Hopefully, this makes sense for you. The rule #1 is to not to lose money, Rule #2 is Do not forget rule #1. If this is helpful, please leave a comment. thanks!!!

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