Study The Number

  • 36% of all people have given up on having a better life and don’t believe they will ever have more than 5% increases in their income each year. They have had all of the ambition beat out of them, accept their loss in life and will defend it to the death.
  • 10% of all people are lazy. They just don’t like to work and try to do as little as possible to get by.
  • 17%of all people will look at an opportunity just to prove it all wrong and make themselves feel better than they were right.
  • 3% of people have tried some networking business and small business “fail” They think that running a business won’t work for them.
  • 4% of people make over 250k and feel like they are doing “okay”

That leaves us with 30% of the population being potentially qualified to be able to “hear” and “see” a business opportunity (Investment and Trading)

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