History Repeat Itself, Bitcoin Mania

This chart caught my attention and convinced that Bitcoin would drop sooner or later. I even told my friends to sell it was at $16,000 after it hit $20,000. In my opinion, I still believe that Bitcoin is a great money maker if you play it right and revolutionized invention for better future.

Trading rule #1, You cannot simply come in when a news brings it up, that is the time you start thinking about selling it, however, I know that that makes you feel like you are missing an opportunity to make money. If you missed the opportunity, wait it out and grab the next opportunity because there is going to be always opportunities. 

I read the book called "Extraordinary Popular Delusions" This was introduced three economic bubbles: The Mississippi scheme, the south-sea bubble, and the tulipomania. This may resemble what the chart of Bitcoin has been doing. Please study the history and keep the odds on your side. 

Bitcoin Mania

Bitcoin Mania

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