Richer people get richer and richer and poor people get poorer and poorer.

This goes the same to emotional,

Happy people get happier and happier and depress people get depressed and more depressed. How does that happen?

Your success is highly correlated with your emotion, how you control your emotions is the key to any business, personal life including especially trading. 

We decided to make money in trading business, this doesn't provide a proportional reward. I don't want you to think like an 8-5 worker. They get paid according to the time they sacrifice if they work $30/hr it will accumulate every hour and by the time you leave your office you will get reward $240. It is great!! However, it is not that great. No matter how much you put your efforts into your trading, it doesn't mean you can make money proportional to your account. 

Do you know why many successful people read books everyday, constantly? I hated reading books when I was younger, I even told myself that I know the content what is the reason for me to read the book? Sometimes it is not about content, it is about the action of reading books matter to keep yourself at the certain emotional level. That's how and what I do to maintain success.  Of course reading a great book over and over again to do exactly what the book says (taking actions) will be other benefits of reading a book although not many people do that. To keep training myself to maintain my emotional level is the essential ingredient for success in any field. 

Skills are relatively easy to be acquired, however, maintaining your emotion, your relationship and your success is not an easy thing to do.  That' s why training yourself everyday even though you become successful is mandatory things for you to maintain your success. I just want you to look at real current successful people Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, Tony Robin, and other successful people who are currently maintaining success. They are still actively maintaining their emotion. 

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