What You Can and Cannot Control

As you experience from actual trades or tips from this website or trading guru, you already know that you cannot control the market’s movement. However, You can learn how to control your perception of the market’s movement in a way that allows you to see objectivity possibly. learning to perceive objectively will definitely increase your ability to let the market tell you when to get in and get out. You need to learn how to trade where you won’t be using the information to justify your beliefs but rather to perceive the most likely possibilities in an given moment. As you establish the foundation, your solid foundation of understanding you will be having an edge working in your mental environment. Then you will be eventually learning to change yourself in ways that will allow you to perceive the markets from an objective perspective and eventually trade intuitively.

In order for you to trade intuitively, you have to work on yourself to understand what you can control and what you cannot. Learning to adapt yourself to the market will function more effectively and identify your belief to be winning consistently toward your goal.

You need to play in the market, in your mind based on beliefs, perceptions, intents, and rules. And also the areas of your skills need to be expanded are:

  • your ability to perceive opportunity,
  • your ability to execute a trade,
  • your ability to allow your account balance to grow over a period of time. 


Perceiving Opportunity

Your perception of opportunity is a function of the depth of insight into the market’s behavior. What requires to be in the depth of the market is whether you can behave and distinguish some of these qualities. First, your expectation of what the market will do next. To be effective, you will need to learn how to make kinds of distinctions that will provide you with an indication of a high-probability opportunity from an objective perspective.

To be able to make some kind of quality distinctions that will eventually develop into a “vision” of the broader perspective, you will need to learn how to expand your time frame perspective of market activity. Two most important components are(1) instituting a completely disciplined trading approach and (2) learning how to release yourself from the negative emotional energy stored in the memories of any past trading experiences. 

The disciplined approach will naturally help you develop the degree of self-trust essential to function effectively in an environment that doesn’t  provide any external constraints to limit or control your behavior. Without the discipline, you will be a the mercy of your own unrestrained impulses and basically out of control. Consequently, without the self-trust that develops from the self-discipline, you will fear the unpredictability of your own behavior.

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