Control Yourself From Energy To Advantage In Trading

We know that energy doesn’t take up space in the physical environment because it doesn’t displace anything that does take up space. It is not a tangible object, thus this non-dimensional quality cannot be measured by height, length or width. It may sound a little difficult to understand but I just want you to stay back and follow me this entire section with curiosity. I know that you may even wonder why this subject of energy-matter in trading.  Let me start with an example of energy, it can be described as memories or mental images ( anything that we can see with our inner eye, like visualizations, daydreams, or night dreams), an image of light that has no physical substance, and also dream. The nature of our dreams also illustrates this nondimensional characteristic. Another characteristic the mental environment shares with energy is speed. Energy travels at an incredibly high rate of speed. This is so fast that to our physical senses, it appears instantaneous or simultaneous meaning it moves so fast that our physical senses cannot detect the motion. Obviously, we can see the light, but we cannot actually see it moving from any given source to some distant point. I guess our eyes are not constructed in a manner where we can make any distinctions in movement. 

This instantaneous characteristic of light relates quite well to the mental environment. This phenomenon doesn’t happen and experience by many people, however, it has been reported by enough people in completely separate, unrelated incidents to confirm its validity. What I am referring to is the phenomenon of having one’s life flash before one’s consciousness in the form of a continuous mental image, from birth to the present. Something like this usually only happens in extreme life-threatening situations where the person believes that he is only moments from death. In those few moments before the expected death, the sights, sounds, tastes, smells feeling and emotions of one’s entire life are re-experienced.

Now, imagine the sights , sounds, tastes, smells, feelings, and emotions of our experiences stored in energy as a stream of memories that we can travel along very much like this beam of light, where we can use our consciousness to roam between the distant  past to the more recent past up to the present moment or project these memories out into the future. If the energy in which our experiences are stored can move at speeds that are equal to or approach the speed of light, then it would offer a credible explanation as to how it is possible for one’s whole life to scroll before one’s consciousness in a matter of moments.  To illustrate this for yourself further, imagine all your experiences stretched out like a beam of light that you could travel along at the speed of light. At that speed, at even a couple of seconds of travel time, you could get through a great deal of information. For example,  if we just arbitrarily decided that it took 10,000 experience, then , at the speed of light, you could get through almost miles of mental energy stretched out to hold 1 year’s worth of experience, then, at the speed of light, you could get through almost 19 years of memories in 1 second.

Considering all this, you would understand that our physical senses lock us into perceiving an environment bounded by the limitations of time and three-dimensional space. We have to experience each moment in a linear sequence. We cannot go backward and experience the past as it existed in the physical environment once it passes, it’s gone forever. Nor can we move ahead into the future.  We exist in the endless sequences of now moment.  The mental energy our inner components consist of operates outside of our normal concept of time and space as it is experienced in the physical boundaries. In the mental environment, there are no spatial boundaries or time constraints, we can think in any direction we please: past, present, or future. And theoretically, there would be no limits or boundaries as to how much information could be stored. 

The actual sequences of moments that exist in the physical environment have no effect on the energy our memories are stored in. However, we remember the significant events, the experiences that we had the most impact on our senses, the ones with the most energy connected with. That’s because experiences are not recorded in our memories as moments of time, they are stored as charges or energy, make sense? Thus, they have no relationship to the passing of physical clock time. Energy can remain static or be active. For example, someone or something could remind you of an experience that happened 20 years ago, an experience that you haven’t thought of since it happened. When you tap into the energy of those memories, you will re-experience the sights, sounds tastes, smells, the most important, the emotions of that time, as if nothing had changed. The energy remained as it is for a long time. it becomes active either when we choose to think or experience a similar event that reflects what is inside of us.  Significantly positive (pleasurable: happy, joyful, etc) or negative(painful: terrorizing, angry, hateful) are easily recalled because of the amount of intensity of the energy involved with the event. 

What we experience in moments of time (through our physical senses) is transformed into electrical energy and stored as a memory relative to the degree of impact of the experience. Each of our memories makes up a part of our identity, and because they exist as an energy form, they have the potential to act as a force on our behavior, regardless of whether we are conscious of these specific forces or not they cause us to move through the environment in certain ways corresponding to what we have already experienced to create more experiences and more memories. 

There are some very important psychological implications within the concept that time and space don’t exist in the mental environment, implications that have to do with our ability or experience happiness, fulfill our needs, and achieve our goals, which are all basically synonymous. The important thing to understand here is that how these positive energy and negative energy are stored in based on your life experiences, the way you would be able to control and manage yourself in trading.

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