Understanding Of Your Mental Functionality

To be a great trader, you have to learn to adapt yourself to function more effectively facing the market. What is needed for you to adapt is a very fundamental and practical understanding of the nature of these mental components and how they operate. There are significant differences in the characteristics of the inner mental environment which cannot be seen, and an outer physical environment in which our body occupies space. Understanding these differences is a key factor for you to change yourself.

Please take a look at the mental environment, it is composed of a number of cooperative but independently functioning regions that make-up the whole of who we are.  Just like comparing to physical functioning regions, eyes, nose, lungs and heart. These are distinct parts, however working independently and create a whole body to move and possibly for you to function daily life. A belief is not a dream, nor is a thought, and emotion. Belief, dreams, thoughts, and emotions are all separate parts of the mental environment that interact in the same manner. I understand that most people do not even give a thought of mental environment except students or professor who studies psychology.  Yes, this subject is something we have to understand to utilize to adapt the market. Let me just give the list of divided mental components associated with their function.

Positively Charged Emotions:    Love, happiness, joy, confidence, peace, acceptance.

Negative Charged Emotions:    Fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, disappointment, confusion, impatience, stress, anxiety, betrayal.

Illusions:    Denials, rationalizations, intellectualizations, distortions


Intents:    Goals, aspirations

Expectations:    Wants, desires, demands, Needs

Dreams:    Sleeping dreams, daydreams









It is a comprehensive enough to serve the objectives of this lesson, which is to give you enough of a working knowledge of how they operate and interact to effect and changes you determine are necessary to trade successfully.

One of the characteristics you may notice about the mental components listed is that they are all intangible. You cannot see, hear, touch, taste or smell them. For example, no surgeon operating on living brain tissue has ever encountered his patient's beliefs thoughts, dreams or memories, even though he knew they were in there somewhere. Now you may be asking yourself that if these aren't tangible, how do they exist or how to change it or control.  The answer is, they exist as a form of energy(energy doesn't have mass) For example, light will pass through physical objects or reflect off them, but light will pass through physical objects or reflect off them, but light will not displace anything and electricity will pass through objects, not displace them.

For a long time, the scientists believed that the atom was the smallest, most fundamental building block of existence, only to discover later that within an atom is energy. In other words, how does energy go from being nonphysical to physical? Albert Einstein once mentioned his definition of matter, "Matter is merely energy in a form that we can perceive by our senses" Technically, our senses cannot perceive things as they exist at the atomic level where everything is spinning and there is space between the atoms. The point is that all matter exists as every at the very deepest level of existence (within the atom), but not all energy exists as matter, as with light and electricity.

If we focus on mental energy, it exists in its various intangible forms as beliefs, feelings, emotions, and so on has the potential to act as a force on our behavior and consequently as a force on the outside physical environment corresponding to the way in which the energy is expressed. To understand the nature of the mental environment, you need to understand the characteristics of energy. 


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