How Negatively Charged Energy Affect On Your Traiding

To be a great trader, you have to learn to adapt yourself to function more effectively facing the market. What is needed to do is that you need to observe the market objectively without having any fear factor into your decision making. Managing your positively charged energy and negatively charged energy is the essential element to effect on the physical environment.

Plesant, happy, joyful, and loving experiences will result in the storage of positively charged energy, however, if the environment responds harshly, having a violent impact on the child’s senses, by screaming  by his eardrums or slapping him to produce physical pain, of course, the experience will be recorded in the memory with negatively charged emotional energy  to the same degree as the intensity of the experience.The concept of the quality of energy is a critical matter for us to understand because it affects the type of belief we create about the nature of the environment, which in turn affects how we perceive information and interact with the environment.

Now let me briefly describe how positive energy works and effect on your trading here. Positive energy is expansive energy. It encourages mental growth with learning by creating a sense of confidence, it also helps to get results in an openness to explore an discover the unknown. Positive energy perpetuates our natural, childlike sense of curiosity and wonderment toward the environment that we are all born with. However, there is a direct relationship between how much we have allowed ourselves to learn about the nature of the environment and the degree of negatively charged energy in our mental environment. The interesting about how negatively charged energy works is that absence of fear is a critical factor in determining whether we will make ourselves available to learn anything new and continue to grow mentally. For example, if you are playing with a child and throw a child up in the air and catch him and entertain him, more likely he will beg you to do it over an over again if it was a pleasant experience. This is the way he expresses himself to perpetuate the feeling of a positively charged experience. As I mentioned, positive energy is expansive, compelling us to interact with the environment to create more experience for ourselves. The more we experience we have, the more we learn about the nature of the environment, and the better we can interact with it in an effective way, thus we can fulfill our needs and achieve our goals. Positively charged memories will give us that sense of confidence which allows us to step out to try something new resulting in mental growth.

Now, throw the same child up in the air for the first time and accidentally drop him instead of catching him. He won’t ask you to do that again, not only that he will cower in terror at the suggestion. The differences in his behavior among those experiences are obviously distinguishable. Painful memories will generate fear, causing us to perceive the environment as threating in its ability to cause more pain at some future moment. The way we perceive will correspond to our memories which resulted in pain in similar circumstances or condition. Based on the painful memories, in the future, regardless of what the environment may be offering in the way of a new experience, you would rather avoid an experience completely to remove fear factor out of your life.

Interacting with environment results in experience, and experience results in learning. If your experience has negative energy attached to it, you would avoid a similar future event and stop learning what is being offered or available to learn. Fear limits both our range of behavior and our perception of environmental information. As a trader, it is essential that you be able to observe the market’s behavior from an objective perspective. To observe objectively, you will need to learn how to recognize a variety of subtle fears that will destroy your ability to be objective without really knowing it.

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