Professional Trader

What differentiates between you and professional trader. Probably if you are a beginner, you wouldn't know where to start or what to do to learn trading or investment. However, after self-education and constant learning, you would eventually start seeing things and recognizing to understand what is going on in the market. Not only that, you would be able to make a decision on your own without having someone else's opinion or asking someone who may know or may not know anything about the market. Becoming a professional trader is not an easy journey, however, I believe that it is worth learning to manage your own money and become more self-reliant to accumulate wealth. It is a business. Let me start by giving you an example to be a great trader.

In order for you to make a good decision and know what you are doing to make profits, you have to understand that there is a significant distinction between those individuals. Let’s imagine, if you open up your computer, what I would perceive would be very different from that of a skilled computer repair technician. All the various parts giving off information about themselves would mean almost nothing to you because there is no meaning inside of you. All the parts your eyes would be seeing would fall into that one large category because you haven’t learned to make any distinction between the various parts, whereas the technician would perceive the parts in a very different way because he understands the functioning of the parts and the relationship that they have with one another. That understanding is the mental framework that structures the particular way in which he perceives the parts. The parts would be giving off information about themselves that you couldn’t perceive because you don’t have the mental structure to perceive it.

Learning how to read the market to recognize an opportunity is another example to illustrate this energy loop between the inside and outside that we call perception, Trader act as a force on the market to move prices. Since most traders don't plan their trades or want to take responsibility for their outcomes they are highly susceptible to acting out of any number of fears. Traders who are motivated to act out of fear generally aren't aware that their fear drastically reduces the choices they perceive as available, making their behavior very predictable to an objective observer(someone not caught in the same cycles of fear) THus, under certain market conditions large groups of traders will all be trying to do the same thing, which forces to move prices in one direction.

I am sure everyone has had the experience of reading unfamiliar material a second, third or fourth time and perceiving something new with each subsequent reading. What is happening here? You are basically building a mental framework that enables you to recognize what was available but unperceivable to you when it was read previously. The words get read but the insight goes by completely unnoted even though you are looking right at it. 

In any given moment there is a vast difference between what each of us perceives and what is actually available in the way of possible distinctions from the environment's perspective. As I mentioned before the example of a skilled computer repair technician, professional and amateur are distinguishably different in receiving perception. They are receiving different environmental information because of the differences in the structure of their respective mental environment. However, a good news is that you can learn and train yourself to be it. If someone was there to teach you how to make these refined distinctions, you would definitely improve the way you trade, otherwise, you never know about the existence of such information. That is the reason why I provide the helpful and useful info on the website and encourage to increase the depth of your level of understanding. 

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