Law of Vibration

“We all vibrate, we’re on a level of vibration. become tuned into your own feelings, become aware of what is happening. If you don’t feel good, you have the ability just like that to alter the vibration you’re in. You can change your mind and when you do that everything in your life changes.”

“Albert Einstein said: Everything is energy, match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality, it can be no other way, this is not philosophy, this is physics.”


“Match the frequency of the reality you want. Match the frequency of the good you desire. Build the dream in your mind.”

“You are a mass of energy and you function on frequencies.”

“A frequency is a level of vibration. If the energy from you is strong it will go a long way out. A frequency is a level of vibration. The good that you desire is on a frequency.”

“There is an infinite number of frequencies. Every frequency is connected to the one above and the one below. They’re connected like the colors of the rainbow, there’s no line of demarcation.”

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