Accurate thinking is the basis of all human achievements


Organized Thought

Chart Number 1: Here is presented the route that must be taken in organizing
thought and expressing it in the attainment of a definite end. Observe that the
starting point is desire, based upon one or more of the nine basic motives which
inspire action. The stimulus needed to keep desire active is supplied by some
combination of the known principles of individual achievement.

Chart Number 2: Here is shown the three steps which must be taken in the
attainment of the object of one’s Definite Major Purpose, together with the
principles which must be combined and applied in the effective use of organized

Chart Number 3: Here is shown the ten factors which constitute the
“mechanism” of thought, showing the sources of stimuli of thought. Observe
that the subconscious mind is connected with all departments of the mind, and its
source of power is Infinite Intelligence. Observe, also, that the memory, the five
senses, and the emotions require constant self-discipline; that they are not
reliable without the strictest of discipline; and that they need highly organized
attention to bring them under control. This control is obtained by the exercise of
the power of will, through the adoption of voluntary habits.

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