The imagination is the workshop of man wherein is fashioned the pattern of all his achievements

THE power with which we think is “mental dynamite,” and it can be organized and used constructively for the attainment of definite ends. If
it is not organized and used through controlled habits, it may become a “mental explosive” that will literally blast one’s hopes of achievement
and lead to inevitable failure.

Creative Vision is one of the principles of individual achievement.

“Creative Vision” It is the ability to recognize opportunities and take action to benefit from them. An important element of Creative Vision is the use of the imagination.

Edison, his method of impressing his subconscious mind with his desire consisted of the simple procedure of converting that desire into an obsession. That is, the thought of a machine that would record and reproduce sound became the dominating thought of his mind. He focused his mind on it, through concentration of his interest, and made it the major occupant of his mind from day to day until this form of autosuggestion penetrated his subconscious mind and registered a clear picture of his desire.

A deep, burning desire is picked up by the subconscious and acted upon much more definitely and quickly than an ordinary desire.

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