U.S. Stocks and Crypt Market Prediction

U.S stocks and crypt will crash until 3/21 at least and possibly more. Shorting is profitable.
Equinox 3/21. Remember always begins from the bottom just like how nature begins from Spring. Temp rises, water melts, flowers, and grass bloom, and things become active.
Looks like every two years hitting the bottom and starting cycle. Not sure how much it would go down but probably the biggest.
3/22/2018, 3/23/2020, 3/21/2022

2 thoughts on “U.S. Stocks and Crypt Market Prediction

  1. Before it begins, something bad thing (s) happens that affects the economy. Now I know it is a war between Russia and Ukraine war. This date 3/1/2022. The last bottom was made by covid 3/21/2020.

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