BTC/USD prediction was made on 5/21/2021.
Time Principles predicted that 5/10/2021 is the top and the price will go down to around $15,000 around the time between the end of April to the beginning of May in 2022. This date 6/18/2022 hit the $17,500 and still shows the sign of bear. Due to the dealy, I can say that this is the price where I should stop shorting and stay out of the market or buy. About 6 weeks delay from the initial prediction. I still believe that BTC will go down in the long run and if it goes down to $15,000 and passes the price line, it would continue going down to $9,000 or more possibly. My prediction time range is between 5/21-6/18, there is no intention to stay in the market whatsoever even though I feel that BTC would keep going down. I do not have a solid indication that it would go down. I will stay out.
The best edge to keep increasing capital is to do what you know. If there is uncertainty, your instinct may say otherwise, the best bet is to stay out.

BTC/USD at $17,500 on 6/18/2022
Once the price passes the $15,000, which I believe it would happen, it would go down to $9,000 around January 2023 and possibly more. The reason for the drop is simple speculation that has been pessimistically accelerated by traders and investors. They just started realizing that it is still the beginning of a bear trend. Some may still think that it is a correction. However, please take my word for it, it is not. This date S&P500 is around $3,600, it was $4,800 topped and declining ever since and expected to do down much further. As long as the general market is in depression, the chance for the crypt currency trend to turn around is slim. The emotional characteristics of traders are currently denial or fear that they are afraid of losing their value further than it currently is in dodge coin or popular ETH or ADA and also starts worrying about retirement money which has been saved over decades. The Sale of new/existing housing prices started dropping since May 2022 and fear for the market is becoming bigger and bigger. All the commodities shot up recently hit the top and are turning around, some commodities like oil, and natural gas are still increasing and do not seem to know where to stop.

S&P 500

The Cycle Of Market Emotion
The most important decisive element to keep staying in the market is to understand when to buy and sell. Buying and holding investment forever is great and may apply to the majority of investors, however, this won't apply to me. I rather agree with how Ray Dalio trades, now he is shorting the European market because he sold the majority of stocks and short-selling to hedge the buying positions or switch the position 180 degrees and profitting in bear for the next few years. Remember, you can profit and increase your capital by buying stocks in Bull, and also you can profit from short-selling in Bear. You do not need to buy in Bear if you know the market will decline. The consequence of that is a huge capital loss until the end of the bear. It would take a couple of years to lose your investment and it would take another 5 years to make even and bring it back to the current capital value. Buy-and-hold investors sure will lose their time with no growth in the next 7 years. Please trade wisely, buying and selling at the right time is the answer and it beats buy-hold investments.
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