Law Of Vibration

“Vibration is fundamental; nothing is exempt from this law; it is universal, therefore applicable to every class of phenomena on the globe. After years of patient study I have proven to my entire satisfaction, as well as demonstrated to others, that vibration explains every possible phase and condition of the market” (Ticker interview).

-W.D. Gann-

Stocks and commodities vibrate in accordance with both their own individual energy/vibration (i.e. internal vibration) and also in accordance with energy/vibration transmitted through space (i.e. external vibration). When the overall vibration of a stock or commodity is in balance, its price will maintain a constant rate of vibration (i.e. prices will form a trend). Consequently, this overall rate of vibration (or trend line) can be precisely measured and future prices forecast.

I confirmed that stocks and commodities like to vibrate at a certain vibration and can be converted into a constant rate. This happens all the time, however, it presented me well right before the market topped in 2021. It was like heating water at a constant rate to boil water. The tremendous energy that carries heat was transmitted to water at a constant rate and started increasing the temperature of the water, and eventually boiled and started spilling out of a pot. Then all of a sudden the heat was disappear just like turning off the stove.  This interesting phenomenon was observed in 2020-2021 as the market boomed.

I believe there was tremendous external energy transmitted through space and influenced markets in 2020 and 2021.  You may think that it was because of COVID-19 and the dramatic increase of the M2 Money supply from the government. Yes, that should have been a part of it and the cause of that. However, this phenomenon was seen not only in the U.S. but in Europe, China and Japan, and other countries. I posted the unusual market movements on the previous blog: Understanding Speculation on 2020-2021.

Many traders accumulated a great amount of money by riding the incredible fast wave in a short period of time. BOOM on crypt currencies, GME, AMC, TSLA, APPLE, NVIDIA, AMZN, small-cap, OTC stocks and etc.  Everything went up, up, and up for a year from 3/20/2020-3/20/2021. Interesting thing is that the movement of booming stocks, crypt, commodities and etc are shooting off the chart at a certain rate. Towards 3/20/2021,  the heat gradually dissipated as they headed South. I know that many people who started trading or investing during the time period ended up losing so much money. This could have been avoided if you knew where the boiling point was....

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