There Is Nothing In The Universe But Mathematical Points Of Force

Mathematics is a science, a language, an art, a way of thinking. Appearing in nature, art, music, architecture, history, science, literature, and the market. Its influence is present in every facet of the universe.

”Mathematical science, which is the only real science that the entire civilized world has agreed upon, furnishes unmistakable proof of history repeating itself and shows that the cycle theory, or harmonic analysis, is the only thing that we can rely upon to ascertain the future.”

”Mathematics is the only exact science. All power under heaven and on earth is given to the man who masters the simple science of mathematics.”

"If we wish to avert failure in speculation we must deal with causes. Everything in existence is based on exact proportions and perfect relationships. There is no chance in nature because mathematical principles of the highest order lie at the foundation of all things."

"There is nothing in the Universe but mathematical points of force."

W.D. Gann

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