My goal is to have my own hedge fund if the course of action benefits me more than trading individually and makes me really happy. I know that the majority of people struggle financially and try to make ends meet even though they make 6 figures. I have been there. I am an immigrant who came to the U.S. with nothing and started from zero at 23. Earning 6 figures with debts for a house mortgage, education, credit card, automobile, etc. may barely allow you to make ends meet, which does not include expenditures for children. It is a tough world out there. I realized when I was around 26 and studied day and night reading hundreds of books on investment and got a decent job. 7 years later, I was not still where I wanted to be, however, I saw a slight hope and a high possibility to get there if I keep discipline and focus, follow strict rules, and commit the successful strategies. Does everybody study or do more than I do? My answer was, with confidence, "Probably Not". People struggle as much as I do.
It comes to finances, it is clear what to blame because of the way they spend. The more they make, the more they spend. Should I blame their habits that they cannot control their expenditures? or lack of skills or knowledge by not studying. or decision-making (s) by not prioritizing their needs. Either way, You can make yourself look good but you cannot fool yourself.
With the thought that If I help them and make them happy, I can make more money and become happier. That's what they say. I decided to offer a deal with friends, family, and colleagues.
I communicated with a dozen of people, however, none of them brought $25,000. Some put $5,000, $10,000 or $15,000 on the table but it was difficult for them to trust me and come up with the full amount of $25,000, on top of that they still had to take risks of losing the principal since profits are not guaranteed. However, I started working with some people since 2021 and the results are so far so good.

I talk with people about what I do when I get a chance. I like to share and talk about what they think about the current economy and market and what they are interested in. Of course, investment is something that many interested in. Chris, one of the contractors I work with, showed interest in what I do and brought me $6,000 cash two years ago and said "I Trust You, Yoska". I bought him a stock I was following at $0.25 in 2021 and sold it at $5.00 recently. His asset increased to $125,000 over a year and a half. This was an incredible run. As we initially agreed, I took 30% performance fees out of the profit after 35% tax and return the principal and the rest of the profit to him.
He cannot spell my name right but he can still walk away with $64,000. I think it is a great deal.