Oil market prediction (ANOTHER OIL RUN UNTIL OCTOBER BELIEVE ME) was made and announced on 7/1/2023. The oil price was $65-$70 at the time. The regular gasoline price at the Arco gas station near my residence was between $4.20-4.50. The gasoline price has been declining proportionately to the oil price since the oil market boom that occurred after the Russian and Ukrainian War declaration in January 2022. Precisely, It took a couple of months after the war break-out to rally and hit the top of $130.00 and it caused gas prices to shoot up to over $6.00. It seems to have calmed down ever since and showed the weakness of the oil market, however, I made a clear prediction that there is going to be another oil rally until October from July 2023.
The result is outstanding. The update on the oil rally after the announcement was made on 9/5/2023 (Update On The Oil Prediction 2023) and showed the rapid price movement from $65 to $93 within 2 months and 5 days, which is over 31% of profits. You should be able to see better returns on individual major oil corps.

I expected to go up much higher from that until October, however, I was not accurate. The top price was recorded at $95.03 on 9/28. The oil price was recorded at $93 on 10/1/2023 and I started notifying my friends on my Facebook to get out of the oil market, that was the end of my oil prediction. The total rally was 32% over 3 months. The oil price started dropping significantly right after entering October. This date it is quoting $82.50.