One of the stocks I have been actively following is Ocearn Construction Business headquartered in Houston, Texas. I made blogs on the stock on September 18, 2023 (Buy OON (Secret) Stock Registered at NYSE), and March 7, 2024 (Extreme Bull On OON (Secret) Stock), not disclosing the name of the stock but only paid individual traders/investors due to the incredible opportunity. This opportunity was an obvious chance to triple, quadruple, or even far more than 1,000% to increase your capital quickly and it was the holy grail.
How quickly are we talking about? I would say over a couple of years. You would probably say, no way! Even Warren Buffet says that making a 12 % annual rate is the best investment and it takes 6 years to make your money doubled. This calculation is based on Rule of 72 (72 divided by the rate of interest rate). Every American citizen and resident keeps putting their oney into a qualified retirement account for over 35-50 years with less than 10 % interest rate. Now we are talking about 1,000% over three years, which means you are doubling more than three times in three years. It is too good to be true.
My response to that, this can be done. Does it happen all the time? No, it does not. However, when you find a stock like that, I would like to put all my capital into it and ride it out. My obsession with the selection of stocks has kept me busy last 8 years, now it allows me to tell which stock is time to go up/down, extremely undervalued/overvalued by looking at a chart. Of course, this won't apply to every stock but certain stocks that follow my principles.
As addressed in the first blog (Buy OON (Secret) Stock Registered at NYSE), this stock was $2.5 when I started accumulating in June 2023. It has been a great ride ever since. On 3/25/2024, the stock hit the $9.30. and topped. Honestly, it is still difficult for me to time for the top, however, once I confirm that it is topped out and make corrections, I can comfortably predict where is the bottom to buy more shares to increase its ownership.
The first image shows the incredible rally and is about to hit the top.

I recommended the stock to a close friend of mine a little while ago when it was getting quoted around $4.00 in 2023 after I confirmed that the stock ended a long BEAR and started a short squeeze. She didn't buy it at the time, however, she realized the stock was making a movement and missing out on the opportunity, so she decided to buy it. However, she wasn't sure if she should buy it now at this price of around $9.0.
Here is the recommendation I made. I advised her that the stock has gone up quite a bit since last year. I told her to set a limit at $7.50 or $6.20 and wait for the stock to correct the price the way when the stock finished the correction, she should be able to make profits immediately. This conversation was taken on March 18, 2024.
The second image shows that the stock is correcting and finding a resistance at $9.30 and hitting the bottom (I assume) at $6.20 on 4/25/2024.

The price hit $6.17 on 4/25/2024, so if you set a limit at the price of $6.20, your limit should have been activated and executed at the price. On the date, the split was $0.02, 2 cents. The liquidity was really high so it should not have been a problem buying it at the price.
I am always mesmerized by how a stock moves and travels to get to where it wants to go like the price is getting gravitated to certain prices like it won't finish the correction until it hits the price. I believe that the stock is on the rise and expected to keep moving up for a year or two and go over the $20 easily. I will reveal the name of the stock once it hits $10.00 to the public. However, you can go through my blogs and collect clues to find the stock.