Last 120 Years Of US Economy. Now we are at 5650 far extended from what is displayed. We are very a year or two years or maybe less?
Exactly 800 weeks from the bottom in March 2009 to July 2024. This will be corrected quickly and fast, then it will repeat up and down over months until buyers become pale and lose confidence.
Once they do, Bull gets exhausted and Bear starts taking place. It is going to be 10 times worse than what you see last few weeks.
The question is what is going to be the cause of a pop? Seems everything bubbles now. Oil, Crypt, Stocks, Tech, Real Estate, Federal Debt, Credit Card Debt, Consumer Loan, etc.
Something extreme needs to pop first for snowbowl to occur. Something irrational, lunatic, or madness is undermining the economy behind this boom, AI, Overvalued US currency, or Overflooded Cash in the market, what is it?