The general market (S&P 500 SPY)started dropping after hitting the all-time high of $565 on 7/16 and hit $511 on 8/5/2024. Japanese market bloodshed almost the entire market on 8/5/2024 as the USD-JPY dropped from 161.9 Yen to 141 Yen in 25 Days, in the same period. The Magnificent Seven stocks, a group of high-performing and influential companies in the U.S. stock market: Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, NVIDIA, and Tesla dropped big time and shook the U.S. economy.
<S&P 500>


It has been only a few days since then but I took this as an opportunity and started buying more shares of two stocks. One is ORN (Orion Group Holdings Inc) which is traded on the NYSE market This is the stock I started purchasing since June 2023 when it was at $2.50. It has been a quite ride ever since. It made 480 % when it hit $12.12, which is five (5) times of the initial principle. These links are ORN predictions posted since 2023.
- 9/18/2023 Buy OON (Secret) Stock Registered at NYSE
- 4/29/2024 Pick Up At $7.50 or $6.20 OON (Secret) Stock
- 3/7/2024 Extreme Bull On OON (Secret) Stock
- 3/31/2024 Secret Revealed OON (Secret) Is ORN
- 6/13/2024 ORN Prediction When To Top 2024
ORN stock has been very friendly, however, when the general market started slipping, The ORN stock reacted the same way and made an almost 50 % drop after hitting $12.12 on 7/23/2024. Unfortunately, I didn't get to sell the shares at the top so, as you know, I got hit and lost quite a bit of unrealized loss in the last few weeks. A small or mid-market cap stock like that can be easily hit and dragged down as the general market depresses big time. I cannot predict every single move, however, I might have been able to sell some shares if I had been a little more engaged with the market. I was happy and excited that ORN brought me an incredible return in a year and I lost my sense of rationality.
ORN made an incredible rally from $8.17 to $12.12 in two weeks right before. When a stock goes up quickly, it goes down as fast as or faster than when it rallied. That was a great sign I should not have overlooked and also I was getting a bear signal from the general market, USD/JPY, etc at the time. My mistake was to ignore these signals and was not cautious about the movements of ORN stock. I predicted to hit the top on ORN stock around August in June. However, this became wrong. I still believe that if the general market was stable and not depressed as much, the ORN should have been top in August. It reacted two weeks early, which reminds me that a sequence of an individual stock can be distorted easily and quickly when the general market opposes the direction of its trend. On the other hand, an individual stock that is on the vibration of a bull, usually overcomes the general market against its move, meaning even though every stock is on the bear, a bull vibration stock does the opposite regardless.

Another stock I purchased is still secret I cannot disclose the stock but only paid individuals. This is the stock I started following recently and I believe that it is a good example of one of these stocks that goes against the general market. The ticker symbol of the stock is POI (O is unknown) but its chart is shown below. I have been following the stocks and purchased at $6.00 a week ago, however, it dropped down to $5.60, so I purchased more on 8/5/2024. I will start making diaries on this stock. I am optimistic about the stock.