This image is the planning stage to enter the market USD/RUB for short sell. at 158. USD $1 = 158 RUB Open image in a new tab to see the image below
Author: yosuke yamada
Elements Needed For Winning Trader
What is it like to be a winning trader? A winning trader is required to have certain elements: Smartness, Patience, Speed, Clear Mind, and Understanding of the Economy. Smartest is not the best element you need to have in the money game, although smartness is needed to figure out getting […]
One Day That’s All It Takes
You may have to work 10 years without getting paid. Study, work, test and practice to make something happen. You do not know what you are doing in the beginning but little by little to get a hang of it. All you have is faith and belief that someday you […]
USD/RUB Is In Play During Russian and Ukrainian War
USD/RUB is in play due to the Russian and Ukrainian War. USD/RUB was 70 Rubble two weeks ago. $1.00 US Dollar = 70 Russian Ruble, Now this date 3/6/20, it is $1.00 US Dollar = 136 Russian Ruble, USD is becoming stronger day by day. If there is any pullback, […]
Oil Trust Me
This was the prediction I made and suggested to my colleagues and friends in Nov. 2021. I posted on FACEBOOK 1/16/2021, still getting over 30% of profits by this date 3/5/2022. A friend made comments that “Is this an inflation play”, my answer was “Because it is TIME to go […]
Mumbling 3/5/2022
The most important advice I can give to myself if I were still in college. Look for a job you would like to choose if you had no need for money. Last a long time and you would get to enjoy it.
Russian-Ukraine War
I knew that the market will go down but I didn’t know what causes the market to go down. Now I know it is the WAR. Commodities: Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton, Lumber, Oil, Gasoline are UP and UP. Gold starts showing a defensive attitude for depression. A double punch from covid […]
Mathematics is the only exact science. All power under heaven and on earth is given unto the man who masters the simple science of mathematics. Emerson said, “God does indeed geometricize.” Another wise man said, “There is nothing in the universe but mathematical points.” Pythagoras, one of the greatest mathematicians […]
Time Sequences on The Break Out of Diseases
Just caught my attention and listed up the first break-out diseases over a million cases in history (not including second or third wave and less than a million infections). Do you see what I see? Black Death mid-1300 Mexico smallpox epidemic 1519–1520 New England infections epidemic 1616–1620 Italian plague 1629–1631 […]
How I Became Really Good At What I Do
These are regulations I have referenced to protect the environment as a regulator last 4 years (water, water well, wastewater, solid waste, and food law enforcement officer) in Santa Barbara. Working with many business owners, professionals, engineers, contractors, various departments in the gov., bureaucratic system. I like what I do. […]