What is your absolute belief that needs to be strengthened and turned into a conviction? No matter what a circumstance you are in, there’s always a way to turn things around and make your life to the direction you prefer if you are committed.
Author: yosuke yamada
Develop A Sense Of Certainty For Success
The key to success is to develop a sense of certainty as you become greater. The kind of belief that allows you to expand as a person and take the next necessary action to make your life and lives of those around you even greater. You may believe something is […]
Fight For The Temptation To Ignore Rules
In the market environment, you have to make the rules to the game and then have the discipline to abide by those rules, even though the market moves in ways that will constantly tempt you into believing you don’t need to follow your rules this time.
Professionals Come From Method and Discipline
A professional group of any kind must be both formed and guided because any functional team is not formed by accident. This was used as one of 11 lessons of The Art of War by Sun Tzu. The commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, and strictness. By […]
The Law of Success
In your entire lifetime, you would definitely once wish to be successful whether you keep wanting to be successful or not. To be successful you have to study and understand why successful people become successful and how they become successful. Because there is an absolutely key (law) to achieve success. You […]
Mr. Market, He is Crazy
We, human, make our best decision when we feel relaxed. Writing down your entry and exit plan reduces tension by separating your two job analysis and trading. Analysis can be done while the market is closed, trust me when a market is open, watching the market and doing analysis at the […]
What Affects On Your Trading Decision
Stress is the enemy of good decision making. It is very hard to be objective when our skin is on the line.
Essential Rule in Life
A person with experience ends up with money. A person with money ends up with experience.
Start Rich And Get Financial Freedom As Well
Don’t wait till you become wealthy. When you achieve your goal, you will always raise your bar and come up with another goal. Agree? This cycle won’t ever change until you decided to change. Imagine, if I take you to Africa, Venezuela, and China, there is someone you can always […]
Richer people get richer and richer and poor people get poorer and poorer. This goes the same to emotional, Happy people get happier and happier and depress people get depressed and more depressed. How does that happen? Your success is highly correlated with your emotion, how you control your emotions […]