The biggest challenge for traders/investors is to find an entry and an exit from the market. You see many people jump into the market and get excited and make profits as the price goes up for buy or as the price goes down for short-sell. However, once the market price […]
Rulers Of Commerce: Jupiter And Uranus Cycle
J.P. Morgan used to say, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, the billionaires do”. Truth, not many people know or understand how Financial Astrology works, not even the existence itself. Generally speaking, it is not accepted as a reliable indicator even though Financial Astrology has been around for quite a long time. […]
Livermore’s 21 Trading Rules
Trading rules are still the same and apply to modern markets after 70 years. These are the rules used by the pioneer trader, Jesse Livermore who was the best trader recorded in American history. Nothing new ever occurs in the business of speculating or investing in securities and commodities. Money […]
Money Is Made At The End Of Major Cycles
The most admirable trader, W.D. Gann established the Law Of Vibration in the early 1900′ and his books helped me to understand how the market works, by far the best, better than anyone else alive in this era. His philosophy taught me which direction to look in the crazy and […]
Recessions and Business Cycle
The United State has gone through 34 recessions since 1857. As you notice, there has been a significant change in the duration and frequency of recessions and expansions. Analyzing the pink area between 1857 to 1935, many random recessions took place, which does not show any pattern of recession occurrences. […]
The final blow to the market is now obvious to be seen although it was difficult to be recognized if you were in the middle of the market heat in 2021. One of the final blows of the bubble was caused by the multiple distributions of cash, stimulus checks during […]
Supply and Demand with Natural Law
“Water seeks its own level” You can force the market price higher with a pump, but when you stop pumping it requires no force to cause it to return to its former level. Stocks and Commodities are the same. They can be forced above their natural level of values to […]
Prove All things; Hold Fast That Which Is Good
Possession of a rigid and flexible mentality is an essential element of a good trader/investor. When a bull trend sets in, you buy, when a bear trend sets in, you sell. Each bull and bear phase shall take place more or less and sooner or later. This phenomenon happened in […]
Choose One or The Other, Otherwise Gamble
Investment: The placing of capital in a more or less permanent way, mainly for the income to be derived the purpose of deriving a profit from therefrom. Speculation: Operations wherein intelligent foresight is employed for the purpose of deriving a profit from price changes.
Economical Indicators To Predict Market Direction
Stock Market(Currency Government Bond 10Y Stock Market ) Manufacturing GDP employment retail sale Inventory Level Building Permits Housing Market Level of New Business Startups Changes in GDP Income & Wages Unemployment Rate CPI Currency Strength Interest Rates Corporate Profits Balance of Trade Value of Commodity Substitutes to US $ (Gold […]