I knew that the market will go down but I didn’t know what causes the market to go down. Now I know it is the WAR. Commodities: Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton, Lumber, Oil, Gasoline are UP and UP. Gold starts showing a defensive attitude for depression. A double punch from covid […]
Market Predictions
Huamai Corp: ZEPP Time & Price Prediction in 2020
This prediction was the first stock prediction after I established my own theory. My theory was based on mathematical sequences and pattern recognition, also the application of the golden ratio. The stock, Huami Corporation (HMI) went to IPO in 2018 and started showing the predictable sequences in early 2020. Now […]
BTC/USD Prediction in May 2021
BTC prediction was made based on solely my theory which is associated with mathematical and time sequences. Initially, the prediction was made in April and posted on Facebook on May 21, 2021, that BTC just hit the top on 5/10 and it will go down until 9/27/2021 and come back […]
Prediction : Major Panic and Crash Ahead
2022 TOP: Prosperous Year 2023 BEAR BEGIN: Market Started Heading South 2024/2025/2026 BEAR CRASH: Major Panic, Market Price Plummetted, Business Stagnated, Despair, Unemployment
U.S. Stocks and Crypt Market Prediction
U.S stocks and crypt will crash until 3/21 at least and possibly more. Shorting is profitable. Equinox 3/21. Remember always begins from the bottom just like how nature begins from Spring. Temp rises, water melts, flowers, and grass bloom, and things become active. Looks like every two years hitting the […]
U.S. Economy
Economy has been robust (or looks like it) despite the fact that it is driven by gov. stimulus. It is like driving a car and shifted to neutral, still increasing the speed of the vehicle but no acceleration. Engine brakes stopped operating, having a moment of inertia and becoming unstable. […]
TSLA Prediction Jan. 2021
I was confident to predict the top of TSLA around $880 based on my theory and mathematical sequences. This prediction was initially done in Dec. 2020 and kept increasing the position of SHORT-SELL until the end of Jan. 2021. The consolidation continued for a few months. The top was actually […]
Prediction on Stock Market 3/20/2020 Before the Recession
I am looking back and posting the prediction I made during covid 19 in the first quarter of 2020. This prediction was also made based on financial astrology and mathematical sequences, however, I cannot post the proof behind the prediction because I lost screenshots and notes on the prediction due […]
As I predicted before 3/16, numbers shows with high confidence that the market hit the bottom on 3/20/2020. Now is BUY. Be optimistic..then watch out and SELL around 12/21/2020. This is goosebumpin’ science. I do not have any doubts about this. I would say at least 25% Return.
Prediction of Recession
If mathematic makes sense, the probability is high in confidence. With the current optimistic and strength of the economy, recent broke out became the start of the 5th wave and create a significant boost and profitable periods which last until 2020. A number of numbers, economic factors, and technical analysis […]