Overall the market is still warm. I’m actively following several stocks now. One of them is revealed with details here. This stock was bought at $5.5 in August 2024 and is currently quoted at $10.58. This was kept secret until yesterday and now the secret is out (POI (Secret) Stock […]
Performance (Portfolio)
2024 Q1 Performance Report
I am not obligated to report but I do voluntarily. Some are interested in my stock selection and performance. My business does not need sales from customers, or marketing to make profits. My business is straightforward competing against any participants in the market which is a zero-sum game environment. That means […]
2023 Portfolio Performance
Trading/investment is a business just like any other business. Many successful business owners whatever they do, learn skills, and knowledge, and earn experience in their profession over a long period to become confident, and then they start running their own business. They always measure and track a record of their […]
1500% Return Over A Year On Meticulous Analysis, Plan and Execution
Getting back to business. Phenomenal return while on vacation (4/21-5/14/2023) in Japan. Money starts working for you once you analyze, plan, and execute, everything is done correctly. Buying the right stock out of millions at the right time, at the right price has to be done without hope, randomness, or […]
OTC Market Ave Return vs. My OTC Selective Stock Return
My trading strategy is to pick a specific stock that gives me a particular signal to indicate whether the stock is about to go up or go down. Theoretically, when a stock finishes going down and bottoms out, it would more likely go up, that’s when I would like to […]