Reliable Recession Indicators

Accurately predicting recessions is a complex task, and no single indicator can provide a foolproof forecast. However, several indicators are considered reliable for signaling potential recessions in the U.S. economy. Here are some of the most accurate and commonly watched indicators:1. Yield Curve Inversion: Description: The yield curve plots interest […]

The Alchemy of Finance

The Alchemy of Money, written by billionaire investor George Soros, explores his unique perspective on financial markets and the underlying factors that drive them. It’s not a traditional investment guide, but rather a philosophical and reflective work that challenges conventional economic theories and offers insights into the dynamic nature of […]

Recession Is Right Around The Corner

One of the well-used recension detection leading indicators is the 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity. In the past, the indicator has been indicating when the next recission takes place very accurately beforehand. This can be seen in the chart below. <The 10-2 Treasury Yield Spread is […]