First prediction is done on 5/29 from June 3rd to June 17, 2019 based on the moon and Jupiter.
May 2019 Prediction
Financial Astrology, due to the locations and angle of planets with a certain zodiac sign, proven to have affected human behaviors to drive the market up or down. Here is an edge, between 6/3 new moon (Bottom)- 6/17 full moon (Top), there is a likelihood of high bullish in a […]
Lesson From Ben Graham
“In the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine.”
The Five Levels of Mental Toughness
The Five Levels of Mental Toughness, which is a tool to help people determine at what level they are performing. The first level is called Playing Not to Lose, which is doing just enough to avoid getting fired. The next level up is Playing To Cruise, which is mentally cruising through the […]
Ben Graham
“You are neither right nor wrong because the crowd disagrees with you. You are right because your data and reasoning are right.”
April Mumbling
Those who know the truth learn to love it. Those who love the truth learn to live it. Freedom is not free but If you are going to live your life, the way you want to live, you need to understand that the price is high. It doesn’t come easy. […]
Jesse Livermore, How To Trade In Stocks
The game of speculation is the most uniformly fascinating game in the world. But it is not a game for the stupid, the mentally lazy, the person of inferior emotional balance, or the get-rich-quick adventurer. They will die poor. — Jesse Livermore, How To Trade In Stocks
George Soros
“Invest first; investigate later.” You don’t want to get fixated on always needing a nice story for the trade. I am anempiricist at heart. The unfolding reality trumps everything.
Factors Behind The Price Movements
People get all excited about the price movements, but they completely misunderstand that there is a bigger picture in which those price movements happen. Price movements only have meaning in the context of the fundamental landscape. To use a sailing analogy, the wind matters, but the tide matters, too. If […]
Critical Thinking Questions
Action Step for Today: Ask these five critical thinking questions: 1) What am I willing to fight for? 2) What values do I hold dearest to my heart? 3) What values would I be willing to die for? 4) If I could achieve a single thing, what would make all […]