In your entire lifetime, you would definitely once wish to be successful whether you keep wanting to be successful or not. To be successful you have to study and understand why successful people become successful and how they become successful. Because there is an absolutely key (law) to achieve success. You have to understand it and you have to be ready to understand it. This key is responsible for any successful people to become successful in the world.
The psychologists found the natural law of personal success, the foundation of personal success, which is,
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.
I am giving you the greatest power you can ever receive whether you recognize it or not, the greatest power I am right here right now handing over to you just like when I read a book and given by Andrew Carnegie. According to him, this power is much greater than poverty, greater than the lack of education, greater than all of your fears and superstitions combined. It is the power to take possession of your own mind and direct it toward whatever end you may desire. "This profound power" is the gift of the Creator. It is considered that the greatest power ever given to man.
Let me just explain how you conceive your mind with negativity. When you simply speak of your poverty and your lack of education, you are already directing your mind power to attract these undesirable circumstances. Because whatever your mind feeds upon, your mind attracts to you. That's why it is important to understand that you recognize that all success begins with definiteness of purpose, with a clear picture in your mind of precisely what you want from life. The consequence of not recognizing or not taking possession of your mind can end undesirable results because whatever you end with, that's what you may choose to go.
What Carnegie said and did make sense to change the course of my action is his statement;
Everyone comes to the earth plane blessed with the privilege of controlling his mind power and directing it towards whatever ends he may choose. But everyone brings over with him at birth the equivalent of two sealed envelopes, one of which is clearly labeled: The Riches you may enjoy if you take possession of your own mind and direct it to ends of your own choice. And the other is labeled: The Penalties you must pay if you neglect to take possession your mind and direct it."
In the one labeled Riches is this list of blessings:
1.Sound health.
2.Peace of mind.
3.A labor of love of your own choice.
4.Freedom from fear and worry.
5.A positive mental attitude.
6. Material riches of your own choice and quantity.
"In the sealed envelope labeled Penalties," Mr. Carnegie continued, "is this list of the prices one must pay for neglecting to take possession of one's own mind:
1. Ill health.
2. Fear and worry.
3. Indecision and doubt.
4. Frustration and discouragement throughout life.
5. Poverty and want.
6. A whole flock of evils consisting of envy, greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, and superstition.
Now my mission is to help you how to start having a good mind to start with, controlling yourself, recognizing your good and bad and consciously grasp the understanding of yourself. Whether you pursue your career in trading or not, those contents are the necessary ingredient for to become successful.